Python for Pentesting

Introduction to my blog

Python for petesting is an essential collection of pentesting that can be helpful during pentests.

Python simple HTTP Server

sudo python3 -m http.server --bind 80

It starts an http server with python from port 80. It is very useful if a short test will be done on the internal network

sudo python3 -m http.server --bind 8080

Spawn interactive BASH Shell with Python

Most time you usually get a basic shell during pentests, use this below python snippet to upgrade to an interactive TTY

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

Make Request using Python

The below code allows you to send an HTTP request using Python. The following code snippets require python requests library.

import requests

req = requests.get("http://<URL>")
print req.status_code
print req.text

If custom headers are required for the webserver, you can include that as well in the requests.

import requests

headers = {
"header-name": "value",
req = requests.get("http://<URL>", headers=headers)
print req.status_code
print req.text